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Welcome to the Division 23, District 5SR Web Site

Hello! On behalf of the men and women of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and particularly those of Division 23, welcome to our web site. The fact that you searched us out indicates that you have an interest in recreational boating. You’ve come to the right place. From this site you can link to anyone of our six flotillas (more on that later) or to higher levels of the Auxiliary. And from all of these sites you can link to any number of interesting and informational sites.


We’re happy that you chose us. Division 23 is 221 members strong -organized among 6 flotillas (the Auxiliary’s basic operating unit). We are volunteers from all walks of life - but we are united by common goal, our desire to provide community service while becoming better boaters. We are part of Team Coast Guard, which includes the regular Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserves. We receive continuous training and must maintain certain qualifications to ensure that we are ready and able to assist distressed boaters. We take pride in what we do. If you’re interested in joining us, contact any one of us it just takes that one call to get the ball rolling.


Division 23 serves a region on Maryland’s western shore that stretches from Annapolis south to the mouth of the Potomac River. Our flotillas can be found in Annapolis, West Annapolis, Herring Bay, Drum Point, South River and Solomons.


Each of the Division’s flotillas provide on-water safety patrols (some provide air patrols too) as well as voluntary and confidential vessel safety checks and a wide range of public education programs. If you’re looking for information about our vessel safety check program and/or public education courses, please contact the flotilla in your area via linkage from this web site.


Division 23 is responsible for the first lighthouse on Cove Point. First stood up in the summer of 1987, Radio Cove Point is on the grounds of the historic Cove Point Lighthouse which was build about 1830. We provide communications watchstanders during the boating season to assist the Coast Guard in assuring safeguards for the recreational and commercial boating publics.


Division 23 is made up of a proud group of Volunteers. We continue to welcome challenges and take on new tasks.